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Coming Soon:
- I See Stupid People
- Stupid Shout Outs
- Prep-Walk Photos
YouGuysAreStupid.com Walking across the country so you don't have to...
3/31/25 10:49am
0 Days
Walking across the country so you don't have to...
Trip Preparation

Um... yeah.
The title pretty much explains this page's purpose: to show you how we prepared for this nutty journey, including what sort of things we had to buy, what information we gathered and things like that. Look here soon for all kinds of details.

John, Erik and Andy - The Stupid Guys
Us (No, our logo is not some
random Chinese characters.
Why am I talking about our logo? Because I've run out of stuff
to say about this picture!)

There will be much more information on this page in the next few days...