We are accepting contributions!
We might be crazy and our boots might be made for walkin',
but our wallets are definitely not filled with mad money...
OK, we've finally made a decision and chosen the American Cancer Society
as the charity we're going to walk for. All instant donations will be
applied to the charity.
A small, ten percent, portion of these donations will be used to help fund our
trip, including the expense of maintaining this site and
being able to accept your contributions using credit cards (PayPal is
inexpensive, but it's not free.)
We changed our pledge-per-mile policy. Previously, pledge-per-mile contributions
were to be used solely to directly fund our trip. Now, we've decided to
split the pledge-per-mile contributions as 75% to the charity and 25% to us
to fund our trip and defray the costs of hosting and maintaining this lovely website.
If you want the full amount of your pledge to go to us, please let us know by noting
that in the little message box beneath the pledge amount. For those of you that
donated before 8:00 PM on Tuesday, June 1st, your contributions were to directly fund our
trip. From that time on, the contributions will be 75% Charity / 25% us.
We will personally contact each and every one of you who pledges to ask for your
total pledge amount after we complete this trip.
You can learn more about the American Cancer Society on their web site at
www.cancer.org. We decided to
choose them because we wanted to help those with Breast Cancer, Bone Cancer, Skin
Cancer, etc. so we decided, "Hey, how about an organization that helps them all!?"
Yes, our brilliance knows no bounds.
On March 31st, we had our First Contributor, Jason K., who says:
"John, you are a silly bastard. Buy yourself a shoe insert with this."
Items purchased at our online store net us very little profit per item. We plan to use
this similarly to the pledge-per-mile contributions (to remove some of the burden of the cost
of the trip.) In the event that we make far more than our total expenses end up being,
we may decide to provide more of the contributions to the chosen charity.
Thanks to our friends, Jeff, Kyle, Josh and Ashley for coming up with the idea
of the pledge-per-mile contribution method.
Thanks to John's old boss and friend, Ed, for the whole online store action.

Us (we know you love
this picture)
See who has contributed
in the
Contribution List
If you have questions
about contributions,
contact us.
Note: If you prefer that your entire instant donation
go toward funding our trip rather than the charity, just let us know in a
message to us. You can add your message when you make an instant donation with your
credit card, just as Jason K. did. We won't display anyone's message to us without
first getting their permission to do so (see our Privacy Statement, below.)
Keep in mind that only the portion that goes to the charitable organization may be
tax deductable. We will let each of you know by e-mail and/or when you
make your contribution what part of it is tax deductable.
Important: We are not affiliated with the American Cancer Society. We have to say
that to make sure you don't get mad at them when we do stupid stuff - they are not
in any way endorsing our trip. We also have to say that to make sure we don't get
in trouble for mentioning their name (we don't want to give their lawyers any reason to
smite us with their legal fury!) Now, regardless of that little disclaimer,
we are going to give them your donations and we are walking to support cancer research!
Privacy Statement
We will not share your e-mail address or any other personal information with any
organization outside of our website, unless you specifically send us a message and
say, "Hey, give my address to those guys who send out loads of spam e-mail
because I love getting that stuff!" Spam e-mail drives us nuts and we will
not contribute to it!
We will not even give your information to the charity organization as the total
of the contributions will be given to the charity* at the end of the trip in one
lump sum in the name of all those who contributed to the trip. If you would like
more information or clarification on this statement, please feel free to
contact us.
* OK, so call us scum of the Earth, but we did, in fact, give the e-mail addresses of those
who contributed to the American Cancer Society to enable the ACS to 1) Thank them for their
support and 2) provide them with a method to acquire tax information. I know, we are some
lying bastards and you should never trust us again. (Psst... we have found that trusting
other humans is cool so we have no lawyer writing this stuff for us, so that's an opportunity
for some silly individual to sue us for some loophole we didn't know about, hehe.) Did I mention
that the ACS agreed not to hand out those addresses to anyone else or use them or any other purpose?
Wow, maybe I should become a lawyer. Hey, why do those contracts have to be so long that it's
like humanly impossible to read the whole thing? Oops, it's 2 AM and I'm getting off-subject. (o;
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Trip Span: June 1, 2003 - October 18, 2003
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