We are going to do did something stupid...
We're walking We walked from Chicago to San Francisco.
Many have responded with, "You guys are stupid!"
Some, on the other hand, have said, "Wow, that's cool!"
Either way, we hope you'll keep coming back to see what will happen next in
our walking adventures.

This is us: John, Erik, and Andy
Yes, we're aware
that we're freakin'
nuts. J
21 years later...:
Yes, it's been over 20 years since we completed The Walk.
- Andy is still Andy, only better, of course.
- Erik is married to Jen and they have a daughter named Wynter.
- John is married to Becky and they have two sons named Sam and Flynn.
- Also, John just went back to school to go from IT to Biology. Yep.
More to come. Maybe. If you're lucky. :)
Otherwise, go read some Journals!
View All Updates (older updates
have been hidden to make the page load faster)
Check out the Photo Gallery for photos taken
while preparing for the trip as well as some totally stupid videos! We'll
be updating this while on the trip, but the updates will be a bit delayed,
of course.
Don't worry, you can still contribute to our trip by buying
YouGuysAreStupid.com stuff at our online store.
Get shirts, hats, undies, stickers and other stuff with our logo and/or
web site address fashionably affixed. If you want to buy something
and can't find what you like at the store, please
let us know and we'll see if we can't find or
make what you're looking for!
We've choosen the American Cancer Society as our charity o' choice.
All contributions will be applied to this charity with
a small portion of proceeds used to help fund our
trip. Check out the
page for more details.
Hey, as amazingly unimportant as they might seem, the
Random Polls
are now finally working, so vote your behind off and
see how many other people think like you do, ya big freak!
(If you don't see a Random Poll in the side bar under the
Contribute box, just refresh
this page a few times until one appears - they are
random, you know.)
We've got a new
Guestbook and you can
sign it and everything. On the other hand, if you are
looking for a conversation or twenty, check out the
new Bulletin Board.
If it doesn't work, just remember, they were both
Erik's ideas!
The Ask Kevin page has become the
Ask Kev & Sor page because
we've signed on our good friend Chris (also known simply
as "Hoser" or just "Sor" because he is originally from
Minnesota and says "aboot" and "hoos" instead
of "about" and "house") to work along-side Kevin answering
your questions and providing knowledge. Note: sometimes
Sor's knowledge will be random, but it tends to be true!
The trip start date has changed (it was originally May 11th.)
Check it out on the
Trip Info page!
The plan is to put some highlights of the trip here on a
very frequent basis, but as you might have figured out, the
trip hasn't started yet, so we don't have much in the way
of highlights! Be sure to peep down here each time
you visit the site. Don't worry, there's tons more
content coming to the site, we promise.
We're not affiliated with
but their site has an awesome amount of stupid stuff on it and, hopefully,
they don't mind us linking to them.
We would also like to thank
as their site was immensely helpful in planning this crazy-fest.
Check out their site to find out about how to do all kinds of things from
making spiffy camp sites to snazzy igloos.
It took a while to decide upon a domain name, but when we thought of the
reactions to our little plan so far, youguysarestupid.com seemed to fit best.
We'll have a site worthy of your full attention soon, so stay tuned if you're looking for some stupid
entertainment! (We apologize if it turns out to be really interesting instead of totally stupid.)
Quick Links:
Start |
Trip Info |
Route Map |
Journals |
Photo Gallery |
Ask Kev & Sor
Preparation |
Contact Us |
Contribute |
Guestbook |
BulletinBoard |
Cool Sites:
Lost Luggage Tales -
Travel the world... Tell your tales... Real stories from insane adventures.
©2025 YouGuysareStupid.com
All Rights Reserved (you know, for future use or whatever)
Trip Span: June 1, 2003 - October 18, 2003
Site development by

3/31/2025 10:29 AM
*Central Time
Home Page Updated:
8/27/2024 -
216 days

0 Days
Some of these are real and
some are only facts in Erik's mind: