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YouGuysAreStupid.com Walking across the country so you don't have to...
12/3/24 8:27pm
0 Days
Walking across the country so you don't have to...
Photo Gallery
2003-10-09 - The city of South Lake Tahoe - South Lake Tahoe, CA

Click on a thumbnail image below to view the larger version

$102, what an odd number, why not just $100

A dust storm blew up onto us from across the street

A golf course, from the side

A golf course, nice

A mountain with trees is so much prettier than just a big bare rock

A pretty but really low river

Another road that goes off into the mountain somewhere

Another straight long road

Bring your kid in and exchange him for another

Clear creed and the bike path bridge

Clear creek under the bike path

Cool area rugs

Cool shot with the buildings and the mountains

Crazy but cool looking army vehicle


Glowing Andy 2

Glowing Andy 3

Glowing Andy

Heh, cool

Heres a bare spot

I like this shot, lots of cool nature and cool clouds

Me in front of the lake

More bike paths, nice

Mountains look really cool


Nice plains area

Nice trail but we chose the road

Nice trees

Pretty trees

Purple flowers and some yellows for contrast

Purple flowers, cool

Some cool pines

Some nice landscapes too

South Lake Tahoe is a really pretty town

Sweet looking place

The gondela up the mountain

The lake (panoram shot 1)

The lake (panoram shot 2)

The lake (panoram shot 3)

The long road ahead

The mountains through the trees

The trees were really cool turning all yellow

The very cute but entirely too married Jessie from the Roadrunner gas station

The very good waffle with bananas, almonds, grapenuts, and vanilla yogurt

There's the guys in that shade tree

There's the guys sitting on break, in the shade!

Theres some more of the Sierras we get to climg

This is the nicest McDonald's building we've ever seen

This place was in the middle of being built, some of the hotels out here were just crazy huge

This was a beautiful sight

Ummm, that's kinda nasty

Us with Alexis, she hooked us up with The Block hotel

We JUST missed him!

We like bike paths

Hey, we don't guarantee that these photos or videos will make you laugh, cry, love us or hate us.  We do promise that some of them might be kind of cool.  Well, we hope you find some of them worth the photons.  Although, some of them will definitely blow chunks.  Can we say that on the radio?  Blow Chunks.  It's kind of fun to say.

Oh, yeah, sorry, back to the disclaimer: In other words, we take pictures of stuff and you look at the stuff we took pictures of.  We mean nothing in particular by taking the pictures, other than the fact that we thought the stuff was picture-worthy at the time.  If that's not a good enough disclaimer, and you're a lawyer-person and think you can do better, then fine!  Let us know and maybe we'll put your fancy bo bancy disclaimer here!

Almost forgot; these images and videos are copyright YouGuysAreStupid.com and cannot be used without the express permission of the owners (which would be Andy, Erik and John.)  On the other hand, we're not going to tell you not to send any of these pix to your friends... just make sure to tell them where you got the pictures!